Oven Bake Fix (Tutorial)

By RootYourDroid.net on 10:53 AM

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This was my first time doing my xbox in an oven and it fixed all the errors I had. I reflowed the GPU, RAM and Southbridge. It is not necessary to do all of these but doing them all cannot hurt.
Doing this can fix errors such as: E67; E69; E71; E73; E74; E76; E79.
0013; 0012; 0011; 0001; 0020; 0021; 0022; 0100; 0102; 0103; 0110; 0010 and more.
I do not take responsibility to any damage you do to yours or any other person's xbox and/or oven
Anything red in this tutorial is important to keep in mind.
1. Start with your motherboard.
a pic
2. This is the stuff I used. You don't have to use the exact same stuff. Anything that is a poor conductor of heat will be good.
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3. Make a base layer of (sello)tape or light material.
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4. Then a layer of foam, bubblewrap or whatever you're using.
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5. Then another layer of old clothing or whatever you are using.
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6. Now a layer of foil.
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7. Now it's time for the oven. Put it in at room temperature then turn it up to 90C or straight to step no. 8 to let it heat up.
Make sure you have it on something so that the heat can get underneath.
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8. Let it heat up to 150C. Once at that temperature leave it to heat for 30secs to 1min.
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9. Turn it up to 180C. Once at the temperature leave it for another 30secs to 1min.
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10. Then up to 200C. Once heated, leave it for 1 minute. You will probably get a (burning) smell. This is most likely your tape melting and/or burning.
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11. Finally heat it up to 230C. Once heated, leave for a good four mins. Smoke may arise into the room, I suggest opening the windows and sticking a fan in the room.
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12. After a few mins turn the oven off and leave it in there up to 5 minutes to let the smoke gradually seep out.
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13. Open the door and leave it in or take it out (your choice). Some of my foil came off but no biggy.
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14. Once cooled start stripping the layers away. As you can see some of the tape melted a bit.
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This stuff can't be re-used as it's all sticky from melted double sided tape.
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Here is the finished board looking normal and hopefully fixed!
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15. I suggest doing a hybrid fix on the GPU and CPU or a 'normal' fix on the CPU. Links can be found at the extras.
You can re-use the insulation.
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Here's a pic that shows the masking tape is undamaged! I recommend using this rather than Double sided tape.
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16. Test.

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Ask a Xbox 360 Repair Guy

By RootYourDroid.net on 12:11 PM

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This post is specifically just for me to have Q & A with people needing assistance with repairing their Xbox 360.

Ask me any questions you have in regards to repairing your 360 and I will get back to you in the comments the same day.

I know all the error codes so if you can't figure yours out just post it here and I will let you know. If you have any friends who are trying to fix theirs, feel free to refer them here I will be happy to help anyone.

Revolver Electronic Cigarettes
